ARRI introduces a complete large-format system that meets and exceeds modern production requirements, delivering unprecedented creative freedom.
Based on a large-format 4K version of the ALEXA sensor, the system comprises the ALEXA LF camera, ARRI Signature Prime lenses, LPL lens mount and PL-to-LPL adapter. These system elementshave been designed to take fullest advantage of the enlarged sensor, while also offering compatibility with existinglenses, accessories and workflows. Much like ALEXA 65, ALEXA LF images are truly immersive, heightening emotion and intensifying character with an intimate, three-dimensional feel that draws the viewer in further. Featuring a sensor slightly larger than full frame, ALEXA LF records native 4K with ARRI’s best overall image quality. This allowsfilmmakers to explore an immersive large-format aesthetic while retaining the sensor’s stunning capability for HDR andWCG workflows. Versatile recording formats, including efficient ProRes and uncompressed, unencrypted ARRI RAW up to 150 fps,provide all-encompassing artistic choices. ALEXA LF has the largest sensor of any full-frame cinema camera on the market. Maintaining the ALEXA family’s optimal pixel size for highest overall image quality results in a 4448 x 3096 picture, which can be recorded in full using the LF Open Gate mode. An LF 16:9 mode maximizes lens options while meeting 4K deliverablestandards, and an LF 2.39:1 mode combines a cinematic widescreen image with high frame rates for sensuous slow motion. All sensor modes offer true 800 ASA sensitivity as well as reduced noise, providing the perfect canvas for modern, subtle lighting techniques. A crucial element of this new system is the LPL lens mount, optimized for large-format sensors. A wider diameter and shorter flange focal depth allows the ARRI Signature Prime lenses and all future large-format optics to be small and lightweight, with a fast T-stop and pleasing bokeh—a combination of features that would not be possible within the confines of the PL lens mount. The LPL mount will also be available for other ARRI cameras such as the ALEXA Mini, so Signature Prime lenses can be used for both large format and Super 35. In addition, the LPL mount is being licensed to other lens and camera manufacturers.